Monday, July 2, 2007

Joy is in the Moment

Secret of Manifestation #4: Joy is in the Moment

Joy is in the moment, so always be sure to bring joy to your experience of manifestation. If you are pushing yourself to achieve something in your life that doesn't bring you happiness in the moment, take some time to decide if you are truly on the path that you brings you in alignment with Source, with your deepest desires and passions, and with your deepest values.

Sometimes we have to do things that we don't enjoy, but if you are sure that this is in alignment with your dream, then find ways to bring joy to the difficult and mundane tasks as well. For example, you can break them up into tiny, tiny pieces. This may be nothing more than looking up a phone number, turning on your computer and pulling up an internet page, putting your financial documents together on a table.

These small tasks only take a few minutes, then go onto something fun, and come back to that task later. Do a little more, then put it aside. Often you'll discover that if you do a tiny bit at a time, it all adds up to getting done before you know it!